VR Rooms (Scott Library, Rooms 203E & 203G)
Note: These rooms must be used for VR experiences or producing artifacts for VR experiences.
Our VR rooms are equipped wireless HTC Vive Pro 2 headsets, connected to high-end PCs with state of the art NVidia Geforce RTX3080 video cards.
Lab workstations lock/reset after 60 min without manual input. Also, they don't permanently store files. Use online-storage services and/or portable drives to save your work!
You may use the computer in each room to build AR/VR/3D content, or to view existing VR experiences. Our growing catalogue of material includes:
- Agence (NFB, dir. Pietro Gagliano; 30 mins)
- Amends (dir. Mikkel Battefeld; 15 mins)
- Biidaaban: First Light (NFB, dir. Lisa Jackson; 10 mins)
- Book of Distance (NFB, dir. Randall Okita; 30 mins)
- End of Night (Makropol & Novelab, dir. David Adler; 1 hr)
- Google Earth VR
- Hush (prod. Final Cut for Real; 10 mins)
- The Lab (Valve)
- The Museum of Symmetry (NFB, dir. Paloma Dawkins; 20 mins)
- MARSVR: Mars Desert Research Station VR (The Mars Society; 20 mins)
- MoCap Fusion
- Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass (Musée du Louvre; 20 mins)
- Parliament: the Virtual Reality Experience (NFB; 20 mins)
- Reality and Resistance (Nottingham Contemporary; 1 hr)
- Rec Room
- Still Here VR (created by Zahra Rasool & Sarah Springer; 25 mins)
- VRChat
Workstations also have Sansar VR and SecondLife software available.
More content is being added regularly, and you are not restricted to experiences we have on hand! You are free to explore any freely-available content compatible with HTC Vive systems (i.e. Viveport and SteamVR content)